T501 – The Shape of Messianic Jewish Theology
Instructor: Jennifer M. Rosner
Location: https://mjti.populiweb.com
Dates: March 17 – June 2, 2023; Spring 2023-24
This course provides an overview of the fundamental shape of Messianic Jewish theology. All theology stems from a particular context and is rooted in the life of a particular community. Messianic Jewish theology is unique because it draws upon the history and tradition of two religious communities that are generally defined in mutually exclusive terms. Messianic Judaism challenges this paradigm, and Messianic Jewish theology affirms the core tenets of Judaism through the lens of God’s self-revelation in Messiah Yeshua. Our goal will be to trace the contours of this theological tradition and the life that characterizes its constituent communities. We will approach theology not as an abstract academic exercise, but as a beacon that guides and grounds our lives, decisions and actions.
This is a Core Course that is required for the Jewish Studies and Rabbinic Studies programs.
Theology provides a framework for understanding God and the world, and one’s theological orientation inevitably informs one’s worldview and decisions. Messianic Judaism affirms a unique set of theological commitments and seeks to actively embody those commitments through particular covenantal practices. Our ability to articulate the theological concepts that undergird the movement and exemplify the patterns of living that make those concepts manifest will contribute to Messianic Judaism’s strength and authenticity.
This is an online course. The student must have a computer, headset, and high-speed internet access.
Lecture (by podcast) and asynchronous online discussion on Populi.
Listening to all lectures, reading all assigned texts, active participation in all discussion threads, and completion of final examination.
- Kinzer, Mark S. Israel’s Messiah and the People of God. Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2010.
- Rudolph, David and Joel Willitts (eds.) Introduction to Messianic Judaism. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
- Soulen, R. Kendall. The God of Israel and Christian Theology. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1996.
- Wyschogrod, Michael. The Body of Faith. Northvale, New Jersey: Jason Aronson, 2000