What is Panim el Panim?
• MJTI’s online short-course program
• Open to anyone, no enrollment in MJTI required
• No homework, readings, preparation, or exams
• Month-long courses with 1-hour lectures once a week
• A new, unique course every month of the academic year
I recently took a class from MJTI—the Panim el Panim classes. I found it to be a quality presentation: well thought-out, very pertinent information, really dug into the truth of the word. This is a great class. Classes like this are essential and should be of interest to anyone with a heart for scripture.
2024-2025 Courses
Four Israelis Responding to the Warwith Jason Silverman, Lisa Loden, Rittie Katz and Tovik Liberman

Panim el Panim: offering accessible, engaging education open to all, regardless of age, faith, or education level. The only thing required is a desire to learn. Feed your curiosity, encourage your faith, and engage with premier MJTI faculty.
Come reason with us!
For questions or concerns, contact admin@mjti.org.