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Explore our blog:
A Plea for Humanity
The war in Ukraine has reached the two month mark. Rabbi Klayman reflects on the reasons why we must not let it become the “new normal.”
When Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place…
It is incredible how quickly we can go from the mountaintop of joy to the swampy marshland of depression! At such times we must step out in faith, trusting that HaShem will honor his word, his promise.
A Reflection on Divine Authority
On the one hand, knowing that we have a faithful God is incredibly reassuring! On the other hand, accepting His authority over our lives is incredibly difficult. Rabbi Michael Hillel shares his insights from a recent Bible study on Luke 20:1-8 and how Yeshua’s authority manifests across several Biblical narratives.
The Story Behind the Posner Menorah
You may have seen the iconic photo of a Hanukkah menorah defiantly in the window across from a Nazi flag. For the Hanukkah edition of This Month in Jewish History, Dr. Stan Meyer shares the story behind the photo and how it still touches our lives today.
Light Over Might
Hanukkah is about fighting for political autonomy and religious freedom… right? With our contemporary values, it can actually be difficult to examine the Hanukkah narrative to understand some of the more challenging elements. Rabbi Paul Saal takes a look.
Vayeshev: The Winding Road to Messiah
There are many injustices in the story of Joseph, from his father’s favoritism provoking his brothers’ violent jealousy to the cupbearer forgetting Joseph in prison. How are we supposed to feel in the face of disappointment? Rabbi Elliot Klayman breaks down this week’s parasha.
Favor Elevates Its Giver
After the drama of Jacob stealing Esau’s birthright and blessing—and then absconding to Paddan-aram for 20 years—this week’s parasha sees Jacob having to reunite with his estranged brother. What can this surprising moment of reconciliation show us about our relationships today?
Vayeitzei: The Continuing Journey
Sholem Asch: Introducing Jews to the Rabbi from Nazareth
November, 1880: Sholem Asch, the Jewish author, was born. Dr. Stan Meyer takes a look at his life and the impact he still has on our world today.