Vayeshev: The Winding Road to Messiah

Vayeshev: The Winding Road to Messiah

In Vayeshev (“And he dwelt,” referring to Jacob in the land of Canaan), we can see the invisible hand of God orchestrating the story that ultimately leads to the coming of the Redeemer, Messiah Yeshua. This week’s portion isolates the early story of Joseph, who...
Favor Elevates Its Giver

Favor Elevates Its Giver

Parashat VaYishlach, Genesis 32:4–36:43 It is almost 2022, marking a little under two years since the COVID-19 pandemic began and brought a plethora of social, economic, and political issues undeniably to the surface. Even as life improves marginally for some, new...
Vayeitzei: The Continuing Journey

Vayeitzei: The Continuing Journey

The patriarchal narrative continues in this week’s parasha, Vayeitzei (Genesis 28:10 – 32:3). We find Jacob on his way tp Haran, seemingly in an attempt to get away from his justifiably-angry elder twin brother Esau, after Jacob had stolen Esau’s blessing from...
The Path Behind and the Road Ahead: A New Journey

The Path Behind and the Road Ahead: A New Journey

The High Holidays are behind us for another year. We have travelled God’s way in those marathon weeks, and it may be tempting for us to settle back into a comfortable, mindless rhythm until Chanukah starts at the end of November. However, from shofar blowing and...

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