Tuition & Fees
The following tuition and fee schedule is a reflection of that presented in the MJTI Catalog.
Graduate Courses (Master of Messianic Jewish Studies, Master of Rabbinic Studies, and Certificate Tracks) Beginning Fall 2023:
- Tuition for credit courses: $825 per 3-credit trimester course
- Tuition for credit courses: $275 per 1-credit trimester course
- Tuition for audited courses (no course credit): $400 per 3-credit trimester course
- Hevruta Class fee: $100
- Mentored Learning Class fee: $200 per 3-credit course
- Trimester Registration fee: $80 ($50 for early registration)
Certificate Track Courses (Including Hebrew language courses)
- Registration: one-time $80 fee
- Note: if the certificate is deferred for a quarter or more, an $80 registration fee will be assessed upon reinstatement
- Certificate Fee: $2250
General Fees
- Application fee: $50. Note: The Application fee is non-refundable.
- Biblical Hebrew Proficiency Exam: $50