by eklein | Oct 27, 2020 | All
Take a moment to rest and enjoy HaShem’s beautiful creation with Dr. Rich and his wife Sue. For more videos by MJTI, watch our video about building a Sukkah (and community!) or a drash about listening to God’s silence. Explore our blog: The Light of the...
by eklein | Oct 22, 2020 | All, Jewish Life
On Shemini Atzeret (the day after the conclusion of Sukkot), Jews switched from praying for dew during the morning Shacharit prayer service to praying for rain. In a country, such as Israel, the proper amount of rain in a timely manner is of the utmost importance. As...
by eklein | Oct 16, 2020 | All, Jewish Life
You’ve heard it said: “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks!” Often this saying is applied to the “older generation,” no matter which one. I’m here to tell you that saying does not apply to every “senior.” I am living proof! A short story of my life will...
by eklein | Oct 15, 2020 | All, Jewish Life
Between 1901 and 2019, Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 919 people and 24 organizations. Of the Nobel laureates, 20% have been Jewish.[1] This is amazing considering the Jewish people only comprise 0.2% of the world’s population! Of the 919 laureates, only 53 were...
by eklein | Oct 11, 2020 | All, Jewish Life
Imagine this: It’s Erev Simchat Torah. The synagogue is full of people and of high expectations. All the Torah scrolls, dressed in their beautiful mantles, are taken out of the ark, waiting to be carried around the synagogue by the attendees for seven hakafot...