Autumn Reminiscing

Autumn Reminiscing

The High Holy Days (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot) are over. Now for us in Israel and at MJTI, we are beginning the  2019-20 school year. This is a busy time of year for me as the Academic Dean of MJTI, but it is also a bittersweet time as I think back to my...
Why MJTI #2

Why MJTI #2

This is the second installment of a five-part series. For the first article, click here. Reason #2: MJTI is the only independent Messianic Jewish graduate school.  Why is this such a blessing to our students? Because a measure of independence can open up hearts and...
Sukkot Harvest Recipes

Sukkot Harvest Recipes

The only traditional foods for Sukkot are kreplach (stuffed dumplings) and for some, stuffed cabbage. However, Sukkot meals are generally inspired from the harvest origin of the holiday (Festival of Ingathering), including fresh fruits and vegetables and other...
The Four Species

The Four Species

This week is Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles; Lev. 23:33–36, 39–44), also known as zeman simchateinu (season of our joy; Deut. 16:14) and the Feast of Ingathering (Hag HaAsif; Exo. 23:14–16). For seven days, or eight outside Israel, Jews celebrate Sukkot by dwelling in...
MJTI’s Sukkah-Building Guide

MJTI’s Sukkah-Building Guide

Chag sameach! It’s Sukkot – the Feast of Booths. You’ve probably seen people building their sukkahs (booths) or built one yourself. If you want to build one yourself but don’t know how, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to...

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